How to Get TOP DOLLAR for 
Your Paintings and Be
 "In High Demand" 
By Collectors Nationwide
Becoming an advanced painter is 
 and BUILD A REPUTATION as a prominent painter.
FACT: Once your artwork reaches an advanced level, TOP GALLERIES, PROMINENT COLLECTORS, and IMPORTANT MUSEUMS will beat a path to your door.
Discover the secrets to creating ADVANCED paintings with this new, long-awaited, in-depth, 16-hour (two full days) art instruction course from award-winning artist Joseph McGurl.
  •  Create paintings so EXQUISITE that collectors instantly recognize quality.
  •  Break through to new heights and make EXCEPTIONAL paintings. 
  •  Make paintings that STAND OUT on a crowded gallery wall. 
  •  Develop skills to put your artwork in HIGH DEMAND.
Dear Friend,

Want to create paintings that get you to the level of sales and recognition you deserve? 

Wish you could stop being frustrated and see a significant transformation in your painting skills so you have a bright and promising future?

We're about to show you how you can CATAPULT over the learning process and save yourself months, possibly years, of experimentation and frustration so you can start producing EXCEPTIONAL PAINTINGS as fast as possible. Even if you paint in a very different style than what we’re about to show you.
 Are You Open to Change? 
Before we continue, I need you to have an open mind. Because transformation requires you to be open to a little bit of change.

It means you have to be open to the idea that there may be tools and techniques you don’t already know.

It means you may have to shed some of your previous training and relearn painting a little differently.

Most important, it means you have to admit that you could use a little help to get better, which isn't easy for some people.
Paint Like Your Life Depended on It
Because how you paint not only determines what your life becomes, it impacts how much you get paid for your paintings, and your level of prominence in the art world. In other words, your life depends on it.

If you keep painting the way you've always painted … you may not ever see the recognition and rewards you deserve.
Stuck in the Past
That’s why it’s critical to invest some time now to shift from your current painting ability to become an advanced painter.

If you stop and think about it … your painting ability may be the one thing that is keeping you from reaching your goals, and keeping you from doing the traveling you want, providing for your family, and having what you need, not only to survive, but to thrive.
Living One Painting at a Time
You don’t want to spend your entire life living from "painting to painting" when you could elevate yourself to the top tier, the rare air where a few painters are known as the best of the best, where income and notoriety will no longer be your biggest problems.

If you hang with me for a tiny bit longer, I’ll show you exactly how you can become an advanced painter by investing your time in Joseph McGurl’s new video, Advanced Landscape Painting Techniques, which is all new, his best work yet, and reveals things he has never shown on video before.
Living One Painting at a Time
Think about this. Joseph McGurl is in the exact place most of us want to be.
  •  His paintings are exquisite and in high demand.
  •  He is represented by the top galleries in America. 
  •  His paintings command extremely high prices. 
  •  His work is critically acclaimed. 
  •  People fight to buy one of his masterpieces at auction. 
  •  His work is considered precious by top art collectors.
  •  His paintings hang on the walls of the finest homes, owned by a "who's who" of prominent people. 
  •  And he is considered the best of the best. A true master. In fact, he has been designated a LIVING MASTER by the Art Renewal Center.
Experience YOUR Transformation
Imagine how your life will be transformed when you reach this level.

Imagine how becoming an ADVANCED landscape painter will impact your income and the life you lead.

Imagine knowing that your paintings are often pre-sold before they are shipped to the gallery.

Imagine that your paintings will hang in prominent galleries in the playgrounds of the rich, like Worth Avenue in Palm Beach, and the Upper East Side of New York.

Imagine being in such demand that you can pick and choose which galleries YOU want, which invitations you accept?

Imagine knowing that you have reached a level so high that history will remember you and your art could hang alongside the great masters in museums for generations to come.
Meteoric Growth as an Artist
You can grow your painting ability EXPONENTIALLY after watching, studying, and putting in the time with Joseph McGurl. You will immediately start to see a transformative impact on your painting ability. 

But here’s a critical question.
Have You Reached a Point Where 
You Know You Can Make Your Paintings Much Better, 
But You’re Not Exactly Sure How to Do It?
Chances are you already know how to paint pretty well. But how often do you wonder how much better you can get?

Have you been putting in time but feel as though you’re still not making the breakthroughs you need?

Do you sense that your paintings can be better, but are just not sure how to get there?

Do you stare at your canvas, know something is wrong, but have no idea what to do to fix it?

Do you lack the confidence you need when you set up your easel to begin your next painting, knowing something is holding you back? 

Is something lingering in the back of your mind, a feeling that something isn’t right, and that a little help might make all your paintings much better?
Do you worry whether your paintings will sell? 

Do you spend time hoping your gallery will call … but the phone isn’t ringing?

Or do you wish you would just be invited into a gallery at all?

Can you imagine selling your paintings for more than 10 times your current price?

How would your life be transformed if you were getting $10,000 or $20,000 or $50,000 for paintings instead of what you’re getting now?
Would you like to have the confidence of KNOWING that you are creating exceptional paintings?
Would you like to have the income and notoriety that you need?
Do you feel like there are things outside your control that are holding you back in the quality of paintings you’re producing?

Are you really totally satisfied with where you are today as a painter, and willing to stay there for the rest of your life? Or are you tired of waiting?
Feeling Lost About How to Get Better?
Are you feeling confused and overwhelmed about what to do to get your painting skills to an advanced level?

Look, you're not alone. Most artists have no idea how to move from where they are to where they want to be. In fact, most artists will do nothing and hope things get better.

Even scarier … what if you go through the rest of your life wanting to be a better painter, yet never getting there? Or wondering what could have happened if you had only taken a small step like this?
Most Artists Simply Don’t Know What to Do
So you just keep experimenting, trying to be self-taught, repeating mistakes, WISHING that something will change. Maybe you take some workshops, but they are just not making a difference. But hope isn’t a plan that will work. Or if it does work, it’s never exactly what you hoped for.

And you’re competing in a market flooded with painters within your same skill range. Competing for low dollars and small galleries. Why not move to a market that has just a few, high-level painters?
What Are They Saying About You?
I meet so many artists who naively believe if they're really good at whatever they do ... and the paintings they create are good quality ... they can keep putting out "so-so" paintings that look like the rest of the pack, believing something may eventually change.

Do you want to go through life being an average painter with an average income, or do you aspire to have people label you "brilliant, a genius"?

Do you really expect that average painting will get extraordinary results?

Consider this:

Though great marketing can overcome almost everything, when you enter into the top tier of painters, the world will beat a path to your door because your works stand out above the crowd. 

You need to be the best possible painter you can become in this lifetime.
You Don’t Want to Be Lost "In the Wilderness" Forever
May I have your permission to be brutally frank?

You may be living what Einstein called the definition of insanity … repeating the same behavior and expecting different results.

If you had the answers to break through and get to an advanced level of painting, don’t you think you would have already done it?
Most artists will spend their lives living on hopes and dreams, yet without specific action and proper instruction, nothing will change for them. They will be stuck in the wilderness forever.

Could you honestly look me in the eye and say that what you’re doing now is giving you the advanced training you need to drive you to the upper tier of success as a painter? 
It’s Not Your Fault
No one ever gave you a manual that told you how to become one of the best artists in the world. It’s simply not your fault for not discovering this on your own. Most artists simply don’t know where to turn. How do you find the very best teachers, and then, how do you get them to train you? And how do you find the time and the money?

Sure, you can look on YouTube, and follow a lot of wannabes who claim to be masters, but are they sitting on top of the world with the greatest success? Are they selling paintings for record prices to top collectors? 

Do you want to stake your future on an unstable and unproven foundation?

I’d like you to consider something...
To Be the Best, 
You Have to Model the Best
People don’t randomly become the best. To become "A" players, the best seek out other "A" players to teach them.

But here’s the problem ... Most people wait for things to be perfect.

They wait till they have … enough time, enough money, waiting for things to be exactly right.

 In fact, "A" players don’t make excuses ... because things are never perfect. They don’t wait for the perfect time. They just seek the best and jump in to study with the best.

They always find a way.
The Best Education on Earth
If you want to become the best lawyer in the world, or the best doctor, you go to Harvard or Yale; you seek out the best places with the best experts. If you want to become the best landscape painter, you go to Joseph McGurl.

Joseph McGurl has spent tens of thousands of hours over decades behind an easel. He has studied under other greats and amplified what he learned through his own experimentation.

You could spend decades and hope you get lucky enough to discover these techniques on your own, or you could spend less money than an evening out for two and have something that will last you a lifetime. 

It’s not a hard choice. Sacrifice one dinner and a bottle of wine, or get access to 16 hours of instruction from a top master who can guide you to the peak of your career.

Oh, and 16 edited hours that were shot over 11 days, meaning you’re getting all meat and no fluff. More actual teaching than you could get in a one-week workshop.
A Truly Rare Opportunity
Until a couple of years ago, no one had been able to convince Joseph McGurl to document his in-depth techniques on film. Frankly, he’s already a financial success and already has a legacy. 

Joseph has a heart for teaching, and he does not want to see his decades of learning disappear once he’s sailed away forever. He wants others to capture what he has spent his life learning and build on it, so they can become even better painters.

Joseph knows that the foundation he provides for you will act like rocket fuel for your painting ability. He knows that having the right mentor can speed your progress as a painter and help you skip decades trying to figure out the techniques he has learned. Though you still have to put in the "brush mileage," it's a true gift to be a fly on the wall in his studio, watching every brushstroke.

Two years ago we launched Joseph's first video, which became one of the best sellers of all time. But he had so much more to teach and wanted to show how to take a large studio painting from concept to completion. So, we followed him on location and showed his unique outdoor painting approach. Then we shot him in his studio, where he created a masterpiece. 

This was no easy task because Joe likes drying time between layers, likes to add thin glazes to create depth, moods, subtle value changes, and make things sparkle. So, we patiently spent a total of 11 days with him to capture this entire process. (Don’t worry, we won’t make you watch 11 days of video. We cut out everything you don’t need to see.) The final product turned out to be 16 hours … two full days of valuable content. This is truly a rare opportunity.

Heck, you would spend two days traveling to and from an out-of-town workshop. You can save the time of travel, have access to two days of golden painting nuggets, and refer to this video time and again for the rest of your life. You can get some popcorn and binge-watch, or break it up into a few evenings, or set up in your studio and paint alongside it over the next couple of weeks.
A Treasure Trove of Incredible Knowledge
Joseph McGurl is a very diverse painter. He has mastered so many techniques over his decades of painting and wanted to create a film that incorporated as many as possible. There is no way to list 11 days' worth of content, so here are some highlights...
  •  How to do an on-location outdoor "plein air painting"
  •  How to upsize a small painting to a massive studio painting
  •  How to create a proper underpainting
  •  How to build up a painting, and where and when to use texture
  •  How to use thin, subtle layers to give the painting depth and mood
  •  How to paint realistic-looking trees and foliage
  •  How to paint shimmering, lifelike water
  •  How to paint boats that look like they are truly sailing, and how to paint sunlit, billowing sails.
  •  How to paint the sky at dusk, right after sunset, to capture the subtle nuances of color.
  •  How to tie it all together in a composition that works
A Rare Opportunity Any Artist Would Cherish
Visiting Joseph McGurl’s studio is one of the experiences any artist would cherish, but to sit back and watch the inner workings of the processes, techniques, and philosophies of master artist Joseph McGurl is a rare opportunity that any artist would jump at the chance to experience … and now it’s your chance to do just that…
This Is a RARE Chance to Study Under One of the Greatest Landscape Painters Alive Today. 
Highly Regarded as the Most Advanced
Joseph’s landscape paintings are among the most highly regarded in the world and are sought out by collectors and museums alike because of their beauty and importance.

In spite of his fame and preeminence, Joseph remains humble and modest about his work. He equates himself to a novelist, one who is writing fiction based on fact. Never shy about exaggerating the details of a scene to convince a viewer, he knows exactly how to make every element appear as if it’s just the way Nature offered it up … only better.
Moving Up the Painting Ladder to an 
If you’re the kind of person who never settles, who always wants to improve, then this is a rare chance to watch a true master at work in his studio to learn how advanced painters work. 

Though we’ve crafted this course for mid- and high-level painters who want to take themselves on a journey to the highest possible level, artists at every level will gain tremendous value from what Joseph offers because he not only uses tools and techniques not typically used in oil paintings, he encourages you to experiment in order to keep painting fun for you and to continue progressing in your skills. 

That’s the beauty of learning by video — as your own skills progress, you’ll want to refer to this video again and again. We recommend adding it to your library and watching it from time to time to see new things you did not previously understand.

Whether you consider yourself a beginner or an advanced professional, or whether you paint primarily in the outdoors or in the studio, this special once-in-a-lifetime experience will offer you expert advice and techniques to understand painting at the highest level.
"Joseph McGurl paintings leap out from gallery walls. I know of no one that paints water as well as McGurl."
A Glance at What You’ll See Inside 
Advanced Landscape Painting Techniques
  •  Build a powerful composition (life-altering!)
  •  Do THIS to create light, space, and form
  •  It’s all about perspective … and now you’ll have a new one!
  •  The colors of emotion (now this is pure magic!)
  •  Draw and paint with speed and accuracy
  •  Here’s what TEXTURE can do! (See why Joe is the master!)
  •  INVENT new ways to apply paint (here’s how!)
  •  Things you never thought you’d paint with!
  •  Turn a small sketch into a big painting
  •  Should an underpainting have texture? (Joe gives the answer!)
  •  Edges … the why and how that most artists never understand!
  •  How just ONE thing can open up many possibilities!
  •  Unravel the mystery of glazes (Joe makes it simple for you!)
  •  Bring on more reality … you’ll love your new look!
  •  Refine your gear so you can maximize your precious painting time!
  •  New ways to explore, experiment, and expand your painting skills
  •  Include it or not? Here’s the magic formula!
  •  And much, much more!
"Joseph McGurl captures the blinding effect of the sun reflecting off water better than any other artist … Sometimes you feel the need to squint or put on sunglasses when looking at his paintings — the sunlight is that believable."
What You Need to Know About Joseph McGurl
Joe’s credentials and accolades for his work are extensive. He has been designated a Living Master by the Art Renewal Center and is a Signature Member of the Plein Air Painters of America. His work can be found in fine art collections, museums, and galleries, and he has received numerous awards. Some say he is "the Wyeth of our time" and that he will go down in history as one of the great painters.

When you learn from Joseph McGurl, you’re learning from someone who is sought after by professional artists at the top of their game, looking to expand their skills. Regardless of your own status as an artist, you just can’t go wrong by learning from Joseph.
The Cost of Learning from a Legend
If you could even buy 11 days out of Joseph McGurl’s busy schedule to work with you, it would cost a small fortune. 

Yet you can still discover 16 hours of advanced techniques from this amazing artist by way of this in-depth, instructional workshop video that you’ll want to keep handy and refer to frequently for decades to come.

For less than the price of a nice dinner for two and a bottle of wine, you can watch two days of tremendously important painting techniques that can impact the rest of your career as an artist.

Plus, a typical video in this price range might be three to five hours. This video is 16 hours of content and should be priced at over $900.

And imagine how your career and your income can be transformed by the investment in your career or your serious hobby.
Our Bold "Advanced Painting" Money-Back Guarantee
Your success is critical to us. Our reputation is important, and built on painters obtaining great skills and knowledge. If you don’t feel you’ve gained significant knowledge, putting you on the track to becoming an advanced painter, just let us know within 30 days and simply send the video back, and we’ll refund every single penny you shelled out for it. We’re confident it’s going to be one of the best investments you make in yourself as an artist, but if you don’t think it is, you get your money back. It’s that simple.
Limited Time Only: Free U.S. Shipping
We’re offering you this 16-hour video at a special price. You won’t have to pay the full retail price of $246.

You can purchase Advanced Landscape Painting Techniques at the discounted price of only $197 — a $49 savings!
This video is available on DVD or, if you’re super eager and would like instant access, order in digital format for viewing on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. The choice is all yours! 

Whether you choose DVDs or digital, you’re also going to get a few extras: a gallery of Joseph’s work, a tour of his studio, and an interview with the artist conducted by magazine publisher Eric Rhoads.
P.S. Imagine if we had video of the greatest artists of all time. Sadly, the technology was not always available, but now, you can see one of the living giants of landscape painting and watch as he paints a masterpiece over 11 days, including all the details, underpainting, and glazes, condensed into an incredible 16 hours. Watch this master artist at work and see your own paintings transformed to an advanced level by following the techniques of this new instructional video. Order Now!
Seeking Out the Best Transformation
Being an art magazine publisher, Eric Rhoads has access to most of the great painters in the world. When he decided he needed to make a giant leap forward in his own painting, Eric could have chosen anyone, yet he picked someone he most hoped to emulate … someone whose work receives critical acclaim, someone whose work commands high prices, and someone whose work spoke most to him. Eric then hired Joseph McGurl privately for a few days of one-on-one help. He said this:
"Joe manages to create paintings that capture the essence of the landscape unlike any other painter alive today. Though they appear tightly rendered from a distance, they are actually very abstract when you get up close. That was the biggest surprise for me."
He went on to say…
"I’ve taken dozens of workshops, painted alongside some of the best painters in the world, and I thought I had seen everything, yet I learned more about painting alongside Joseph McGurl than I have from anyone. And I was surprised at how much I learned that was new to me. My only regret is that I did not have another 10 days to sit and watch him do a studio painting. His studio techniques fascinate me."
Rhoads says he thought McGurl's technique would be difficult and tedious, but he found the opposite to be true. He credits McGurl with helping him transform his work dramatically within just one week of studying with him. In fact, he said this…
"People used to say things like 'nice color,' 'good composition,' but rarely did I get genuine compliments. After studying with Joe, I started getting unsolicited compliments on my paintings, offers to buy my paintings, and my gallery even called and said, 'Something has changed, and whatever you’re doing, keep doing it. Your paintings are much better.'"
Though he readily admits that he has a lot of personal growth to expand his work, the time invested with Joseph McGurl transformed his work more than any training experience in art to date. Just by following McGurl's sight-size technique, which the artist teaches in the video, Rhoads said, "My work instantly improved."
"I rarely endorse anything, but if this video would have been available to me when I first started painting, I would have saved so much trial and error and not wasted so many years of experimentation and poor instruction."
We’re confident you will benefit so much from Advanced Landscape Painting Techniques with Joseph McGurl  that you can return it within 30 days of purchase and we will refund your 100% of your money. It's our IRON CLAD promise. There is absolutely no risk. Our word is our bond and our reputation.
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