Now, most of the videos we produce cover a wide range of subjects. It’s very rare for us to offer one that is mainly focused on a single topic like this one is. But when we surveyed our audience, EVERYONE asked for help in getting better at trees.
But don’t worry … there’s so much more!
Yes, you’re about to get a comprehensive lesson on painting trees … and foliage, bark, and creating form and a realistic feel — the fundamental skills that most (if not all) landscape painters need. And, in the process of learning to paint better trees, you’re also getting so much other good stuff here.
Paul is going to teach you his entire landscape painting process. This video is full of tips, tools, and the techniques Paul uses that will cross over to things you paint besides trees. Paul is a master at turning more complicated tasks into manageable steps that are simple and that yield predictable results. These skills are universal!
Hey, maybe we should have called this video Mastering Trees … and More!