Thomas Jefferson Kitts Immersed Himself in John Singer Sargent … Now YOU Get the Benefits of Kitts’ Years of Study!
You may not have time to deeply research how Sargent mastered light, color, and brushwork, but Thomas Jefferson Kitts has. And now Kitts is teaching you all he’s discovered in this extended instructional video that’s OVER 16 HOURS of lessons, demos, techniques, and methods of a master.
 Retail Price: $196 
Today's Price: $157
Dear Artist,
John Singer Sargent … the great master painter of timeless portraits and elegant figures. His paintings have inspired and influenced artists for over a century. But due to limited documentation, artists have been trying for decades to understand Sargent’s techniques. 
Wouldn’t it be great to understand Sargent’s methods to help you become a better painter?

Artist Thomas Jefferson Kitts has been on a lifelong quest to understand how Sargent painted. Was Sargent slow and deliberate, or fast and reckless? After intense study, Kitts believes he’s found the answers artists have been searching for. We asked him to capture these techniques on video for all to discover.
Through this video, you can immerse yourself in an in-depth exploration of Sargent’s working methods. Follow along as Thomas Jefferson Kitts paints a full start-to-finish demonstration of an original painting, Up in the Old Apple Tree. Through his painting, in the style of Sargent, you’ll get a glimpse of how the master may have painted two figures in authentic period costumes.
Thomas is exactly the modern master to bring Sargent’s brilliant insight to your work. In this video, he shows you why Sargent was Sargent. 
Discover Sargent’s Flair
Generations have been inspired by the beautiful paintings Sargent created with so much flair and style. Artists all over the world see his work as the standard for painting beautiful portraits. In this video, you will learn compositional tips, how Sargent painted edges, and when to use texture and when not to. You’ll experience the mastery of Sargent’s brushstrokes. See how a modern, award-winning master painter like Thomas applies Sargent’s principles to enhance his own work — something you too can achieve.
Sargent’s Role in Art History
Impressionism overlapped the rise of Modernism, a period of art Sargent lived through. He borrowed his bold, direct painting style from the Impressionists.

However, Modernism was the movement that forced his reputation into obscurity after his death in 1925. Critics and art historians devalued his remarkable achievements until late in the 20th century, when he, and his accomplishments, were finally restored. Today, John Singer Sargent is considered to be one of history’s greatest artists and his work continues to inspire legions of painters.
Materials of a Master
Many paints that were used during Sargent’s time are either not available today or would not stand up to today’s standards for permanence. Thomas has identified a set of recommended paint colors that include traditional pigments used by Sargent, along with modern substitutes for comparable mixing results. These are all available to you for assembling your own Sargent-like palette.
Analysis has shown what mediums Sargent used and modern alternatives you can find readily today.

You’ll learn the exact types and sizes of brushes Sargent used, as well as how he did palette knife work. 
See how Sargent prepared his canvases to hold the brushstrokes properly and the colors he used to tone his canvases for the best possible outcome. 
The Secret to Commanding Brushwork
Sargent is most famous for his commanding brushwork. From early on, he demonstrated a remarkable ability to draw with a brush that inspired admiration far and wide.
"Always use a full brush and a larger one than necessary."  — John Singer Sargent
Thomas Jefferson Kitts explains Sargent’s brushwork in detail, including how to lay down visible expressive marks or how to conceal them, and why. Sargent believed brushwork tells the viewer that a human being — one who has hopes, fears, thoughts, and feelings, just like yours and mine — executed the painting.

Discover why it isn’t hard to take brushwork risks — you’ll see how you can scrape off your failure and make another run at it until it works. This is a classic Sargent technique you’ll be able to incorporate into your own work right away. Making use of the forgiving nature of oils allows you to have a “do-over” so you can maintain the feeling of freshness and spontaneity.
Color Versus Value
Sargent was mainly a value-oriented painter who used warm and cool neutrals and added color on the fly. Find out what Sargent did with a “five value break” to better control color. Watch Thomas mix color with the subtle shifts in temperature Sargent favored.

Discover when and why to warm up shadows and cool down lights when painting fabrics — this will really impress your artist friends! You’ll see how beneficial it is to work from middle values outward to darker and lighter passages.
A Process for the Ages
No one has equaled Sargent’s mastery of color, light, and form. Through his direct painting technique, he achieved his signature spontaneous brushwork and lively compositions.
Although all of Sargent’s work appears to be spontaneous and direct, this doesn’t mean great preparation did not go into preparing for painting. He often created preliminary sketches as studies — sometimes on the canvas, sometimes on separate paper. When actually creating the painting, he took advantage of his great skill to draw directly with the brush. His spontaneous painting is best characterized as “painting with slow haste.”
According to Thomas, if you wish to paint like Sargent, be more like Sargent! Put paint down with conviction. And put enough paint down to be able to push it around. Be willing to scrape off any area that isn’t working, confident in the knowledge that you can reconstruct the tricky passages quickly and in a better way. Just think, those who didn’t see you scrape that area will never be the wiser — they’ll believe you got it right the first time in a fresh and expressive way.

Of course, most artists who want to learn these techniques don’t want to copy Sargent, but they do want to learn his techniques to apply to their own artwork, creating a unique style.
Thomas Jefferson Kitts Teaches John Singer Sargent Techniques
There’s no better artist than Thomas Jefferson Kitts to introduce you to the world of John Singer Sargent. Thomas is a renowned artist who teaches frequently, travels extensively, and maintains a distinguished exhibition history throughout the U.S. His work is showcased in numerous art publications, museums, and major exhibitions, as well as residing in many private collections throughout North America.
"When people view my work, I want them to see a painting, not a photograph. I want them to experience a surface made alive with color, texture, and the gesture of my hand. Yet, I also want them to feel the reality of the time and place that gave birth to the work. But most of all, I want my audience to appreciate why I prefer to paint from life – and thus discover a common sense of wonder.”  — Thomas Jefferson Kitts
Thomas has also been featured in several issues of PleinAir magazine and named an Artist to Watch by The Informed Collector. He is a multiple-time Raymar Art and PleinAir Salon Finalist. Thomas has been a guest lecturer at three Plein Air Convention & Expo (PACE) events.
In this video, you’ll discover:
  • Why “scraping off” passages in your paintings is a must-do!
  • ​“Painting slowly with haste” is not as impossible as it sounds
  • ​How values and color work together (Thomas shows you in depth!)
  • ​Sargent’s technique for drawing directly with a brush (game-changer!)
  • ​Substitute modern paints in Sargent’s color palette — what’s old can be made new!
  • ​Remove the mystery of mediums — from Sargent’s time till now
  • ​Master brushstrokes to express your personal style — here’s how!
  • ​Why Sargent went from being popular to unpopular and then back to popular again
  • ​Sargent’s brush selection was different than you might think. (Let Thomas show you what he’s discovered!) 
  • ​How preparation pays off big time (You’ll never paint the same again!)
  • ​Painting mediums that can make all the difference — just what you need to know right now!
  • ​Avoiding line work is the secret to building solid form
  • ​“Five value break” and how to use it
  • ​Planing your painting, including the sketches and studies
  • ​How Sargent’s eyesight may have influenced his paintings
  • ​And much, much more…
Get Your Copy of this Exciting Video Now!
By adding this video to your learning library, you’ll benefit from the years of studying John Singer Sargent that Thomas Jefferson Kitts has done. You’ll immediately understand how to be a better painter by incorporating Sargent’s techniques which are being brought to you after decades of research by Thomas. 
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Order Your Copy of Sargent: Techniques of a Master today!

 Retail Price: $196 
Today's Price: $157
Video Length: Over 16 Hours
P.S. This video with Thomas Jefferson Kitts offers you great insight and inspiration based on the techniques of John Singer Sargent. It’s an amazing experience you’ll want to have. You won’t look at painting challenges the same way again. And the results you’ll achieve on your next painting will delight all who see your newfound skills for painting light, color, and form in the style of Sargent. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity!
We’re confident you will benefit so much from Thomas Jefferson Kitt's Sargent: Techniques of a Master  that you can return it within 30 days of purchase and we will refund your 100% of your money. It's our IRON CLAD promise. There is absolutely no risk. Our word is our bond and our reputation.
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